High blood pressure and diabetes are two most common causes of kidney failure. Kidney failure does not happen overnight, it is the outcome of gradually deteriorating kidneys to perform their daily functions.

Kidneys keep the whole body in balance by removing waste products and extra water from the human body. When Kidney failure occurs, it means that Kidneys are damaged, they cannot perform these vital functions appropriately. There is no cure for kidney failure except transplant surgery which is not affordable to many.

The number of patients with chronic renal failure in the state of Azad Jammun and Kashmir is constantly increasing with an estimated annual incidence “every 10th person has some sort of kidney problem worldwide “. The situation in the state is however alarming as around 100 new patients with end stage renal disease are emerging every year especially in District Mirpur. The reason behind this alarming number of kidney patients is lack of health awareness. Situation needs a special study to evaluate the situation.

The treatment of renal failure is very expensive, once it is diagnosed then a patient needs transplantation of kidney or dialysis on a regular basis. Keeping in view the severe need and also dream of the Chairman of KIRF Ch. Rashid Ali, management of Kashmir International Relief Fund has established KIRF Kidney Dialysis Centre Jatlan along with KIRF Community Hospital Jatlan.

Al-Flah trust constructed the building with its own resources and handed over to the management of KIRF, Waltham Forest Islamic Association London donated four new German kidney dialysis units. PakTrust London donated a machine and arranged fund raising for the operational expenses of the centre.

Alhumdolillah KIRF Kidney Dialysis Centre Jatlan is smoothly running with the cooperation of Paktrust London, Waltham Forest Islamic Association London and other philanthropists.

During the year 2021-22 (1740) dialysis session were carried out in the center.

New Developments

Kidney Dialysis of Hep. B and Hep C Positive Cases

Two separate units have been established to provide dialysis services to the patients declared Hepatitis “B” or Hepatitis “C” positive. Every possible measure has been taken to prevent spread of these infections. Separate qualified staff has been hired for this purpose.

Emergency Room

A first contact emergency room has been established to facilitate patients visiting hospital during emergencies. E Room is equipped with ECG, Defibrillator, Cardiac Monitor, Pulse Oximeter and other emergency medicines to meet emergencies. Qualified nursing staff is also deployed.

Nursery and Children Ward

Obstetrics services are a major component of community hospital, provide 24/7 since 2007. The department is being run by a qualified Gynecologist/Obstetrician along with qualified/competent nursing staff. Neonatal Nursery is a component of such units. But unfortunately it was not available with the hospital and emergency cases have to be transferred to DHQ Hospital for treatment. Now we have established a separate Nursery with Incubators, Cardiac Monitors and other necessary equipment to deal with neonates born with complications, like respiratory problems, icterus- neonatorum and others. A qualified Child Specialist is monitoring the Nursery and Children ward.

Up Gradation of Diagnostic Services:

Laboratory Services:
By adding new diagnostic tools, lab services are improved and now almost 80 to 90 percent lab work is done locally. Further Lab services are provided 24/7 including holidays.

Radiology Services:
Radiology Services are being provided 24/7 including holidays. A digital system is installed and qualified/competent staff provides the services.